Large Families
Homeschooling in a large family is both a joy and a challenge. Learn how to manage those challenges, while meeting the needs of everyone in the family. Here you'll find information on keeping your home running smoothly, tending to toddlers while homeschooling, teaching many different grade levels at once, and avoid burnout.
Homeschooling a Large Family
Multi-age Homeschool: Older Teaches Younger
In a large family, it is inevitable that the older children will help guide the younger ones. Here are ideas on how to capitalize on that system.
5 Ways to Tell If You Fit the Large-Homeschooling-Family Mold
Ways to know if you are a large homeschooling family.
How to Homeschool During the Post Partum Period
If you are going to be a homeschooler and continue to grow your class size, then you need to be prepared and you need to be flexible. Adding a new family member during the school year can be a smooth transition. Explore these ideas and tips to help during this time.
How I Teach a Large Family in a Relaxed, Classical Way: Fine Arts
Ideas for incorporating fine art education into a large homeschool family curriculum.
Homeschooling a Large Family: What I've Learned About Myself
Homeschooling can reveal many things. This article shares some insight into the thoughts of a homeschooling mom.
Catholic Homeschooling Multiple Ages in a Large & Busy Family
It's daunting to think about schooling many children, all different age ranges, in a busy house. These tips and tricks can give you smooth sailing days when homeschooling a large family.
Introversion, Large Families, and Homeschooling
The introvert can homeschool! Here are some tips for those whose nature is more introverted. Especially helpful for those homeschooling a large family.
How I Teach a Large Family in a Relaxed, Classical Way: Math
A look at a tag team approach to teaching math in a large homeschool family.
Homeschooling Children of Multiple Ages
Do you homeschool children of multiple ages? Discover tips, ideas, and strategies from experienced homeschool moms who teach a variety of ages in their own homes.
Panelists include Amy Roberts (Raising Arrows), Connie Hughes (Smockity Frocks), Judy Hoch (Contented at Home), and Tricia Hodges (
Moderator for this weekly event is Lauren Hill of Mama's Learning Corner.
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Many
Homeschooling is no joke. It’s commitment and dedication, it’s trial and error. Homeschooling many is a whole different creature. There are different learning styles, interests, strengths and weaknesses. We are going to talk about what is most important when homeschooling many children, and some tips for special situations.
Homeschooling with a Large Family
This podcast features Amy of Raising Arrows who currently has seven children on earth and one in Heaven. She shares ideas and encouragement for anyone who is homeschooling more than four children.
How I Home-School my 3 Children in 3 Different Grades
These tips and tricks will help you get individual time with each of your kids while everyone is engaged in learning.
How I Teach a Large Family in a Relaxed, Classical Way: History
A look at teaching history across several grades using the classical method of education and a rotation of history every four years.
Married (with a lot) of Children
A candid look at the challenges and joys of raising a large family in a hostile world. This article is written from a Catholic perspective, but has food for thought for any parent of a large brood.
5 Tips for Homeschooling a Large Family
Great ideas and strategies for managing a large homeschooling family.
Finding Me Time for Mom in a Large Family
Between the meal prep, homeschooling, laundry, and constant demands for our attention, how do we ever find a moment of peace?
Large family finds a way to homeschool
This youtube video gives a look into a large successful homeschooling family. This African-American family of seven children has had all children go to college, starting while still in high school.
Must Have Homeschooling Items for a Large Family
This list of practical items and virtues are great for a large homeschooling family.
Identifying Priorities in a Large Family Homeschool
Teaching six children can be a challenge. How do you prioritize? Where do you focus your time? How do you make sure they all learn to read, write and tie their shoes? It is not impossible to teach a large family. It takes thoughtfulness and flexibility. It will keep you on your toes and keep you humble.
How to Live on One Income
Some practical solution and ideas to manage a large family on one income. A positive look at making things work out when there are limited funds.
Large Homeschool Family Blogs
The Bates Family
This beautiful family of 19 children shares their journey with this blog.
Our Busy Homeschool: Large Family Learning at Home
Tristan is mom to eight children whom they homeschool.
Peace Creek on the Prairie: Large Family Homeschool
This site offers articles, resources, free homeschool printable, and curriculum information.
Raising Olives
This blog shares tips, ideas and some of the ups and downs of managing a home with lots of kids and raising children for the glory of God.
Get Along Home
This blog follows Cindy and her family as she talks about homeschooling, large families, and parenting.
Large Family Learning
Follow Amber and her children as they enjoy large family learning.
Our Full House
Carrie shares life with her 14 blessings, offering a glimpse into the daily life of their family.
There's No Place Like Home: Homeschooling my large, crazy family
Shelly is the mom of eleven children and is homeschooling. Share in her journey.
My Blessed Home
This blog shares homeschooling help and encouragement, parenting tips and insights, organizational tips, and more, all while chronicling the joys and challenges of raising a large family.
Large Family Mothering
Sherry writes her blog and shares her experiences as a mom of 15 homeschooled children.
Support for Homeschooling Large Families
Large families are amazing, and I have one
This Facebook page is a big support group of large family supporters who talk on a regular basis.
Large Families Forum at BabyCenter
Do you come from a large family? Are you planning one? Share the challenges and joys a big family can bring.
Large Families Forum at Just Mommies
This forum is for families with four or more kids.
CM for Moms of Many
An email group for homeschooling moms using Charlotte Mason's methods. Focuses on homeschooling larger families.
Magnum Opus
Raising a large, Catholic, homeschooling family is a great work (Magnum Opus) and a great deal of work!
Hopefully this email discussion group will be a place for parents of four or more to help each other with the nitty-gritty details of raising and educating a large, Catholic family.
Lots of Kids
A place where families with four or more children can find friendship, fun, and support.
Large Family Logistics
The purpose of Large Family Logistics is to help Christian homeschooling mothers with the daily tasks of home management.
Tons of Kids
This mailing list is set up for parents of large families. Large for this list is defined as having five or more kids. They welcome everybody who has at least that many of any religion, or even no religion.
Large Families Home School
This list is to encourage and support those who homeschool many children. How many? To some 3 is a lot! If you have a large family (whether natural, adopted, foster or blended) and homeschool, you know that there are a lot of unique challenges ranging from orchestrating family harmony, dealing with multiple ages, trying to homeschool in a sometimes chaotic environment, keeping up with the never-ending laundry, transportation, cooking, chores, and more. This is a Christian list.
Pregnant Again
Are you pregnant? Do you have a large family? Do people look at you like you're crazy? This is a list for all of you out there who are pregnant again for the third or more time. This is a supportive list wehre people believe that large families are wonderful.
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Prepare for the New Jersey's Driver's Written Exam. Know the 100+ important facts for the test. Be prepared to ace the exam!
Tomorrows Child
Tomorrow's Child magazine offers insights and information that helps parents to feel confident that Montessori will prepare their children for the real world. It will help you understand and appreciate Montessori and apply it in your home.
Ideas and Books: The Method of Education
A selection of Charlotte Mason's writings on the topic of the place of ideas and books in the education of children. Mason's teachings on the topic of education required six large volumes to cover. This book makes it simple for homeschooling parents to find exactly what they need to learn about Charlotte Mason's thoughts on ideas and books. The teachings and philosophies of Charlotte Mason, a British educator from the last century, are currently experiencing a revival, especially among American ...
A Twaddle-Free Education: An Introduction to Charlotte Mason's Timeless Educational Ideas
Are you disappointed with dumbed-down reading material (“twaddle”) written for children? Do you wish for your children to feast their hearts and minds on noble ideas, fine art, and great literature? Are you hoping your children gain an appreciation of nature and a deep understanding of natural sciences? Most importantly, do you want your children to develop a lifetime love of learning? If you answered “yes,” you may discover a Charlotte Mason-inspired twaddle-free education is just what you’ve b...
America's National Parks for Dummies, Second Edition
What makes a trip to a national park so wonderful? For starters, America's national park system is more diverse than any park system in the world. You can stroll the seashore at Olympic National Park in Washington or Cape Cod National Seashore in Massachusetts, climb craggy mountains in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, or go underground into the world's largest cave system at Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky. You can marvel at the largest canyon on Earth (Grand Canyon National Park), ...