U.S. Geography
Explore America! We've gathered great resources, curriculum, ideas, geography games, and more to help make learning about the United States fun, relevant, and interesting.
Activities & Experiments
Postcard Kids
Geography Postcard Kids Project started for homeschooled children around the world in October of 2002. It is intended to help enhance geographic studies by sending postcards from their local area to other postcard kids around the world.
Teaching Tips & Ideas
Knowledge Quest
Knowledge Quest offers historical outline maps and timelines designed for the interactive study of world history and geography.
How I Teach a Large Family in a Relaxed, Classical Way: History
A look at teaching history across several grades using the classical method of education and a rotation of history every four years.
Online Resources
The US50
Imagine touring through all 50 states without driving, flying, taking a bus or train. The US50 consists of concise, important and meaningful information about each of the 50 states in the U.S. You'll find information on history (general history and historical figures), geography (location and state map), the outdoors, historic sites, tourist attractions, state links, state information (agriculture, industry, flag, flower, bird etc.), and state products .
Looking for Another State?
Featured Resources

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Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook
A short, illustrated guide to the use of Montessori classroom materials. Describes how to set up a "children's house" - an environment for learning where children can be their own masters.
Tomorrows Child
Tomorrow's Child magazine offers insights and information that helps parents to feel confident that Montessori will prepare their children for the real world. It will help you understand and appreciate Montessori and apply it in your home.
100+ New Jersey Drivers Licensing Exam Facts That You Need To Know: Quick Review for the Written Test
Prepare for the New Jersey's Driver's Written Exam. Know the 100+ important facts for the test. Be prepared to ace the exam!
Veritas Press
Veritas Press offers a history based classical curriculum for kindergarten through twelfth grades.
Not So Fast: Parenting Your Teen Through the Dangers of Driving
Most driving literature for parents focuses on how to teach a teen to drive, without explaining why teen driving is so dangerous in the first place or giving parents a plan to preempt the hazards teens face. By contrast, Not So Fast empowers and guides parents to understand the causes and situations that most often lead to teen crashes and to take specific, proactive steps—before and each time a teen driver gets behind the wheel—to counteract them. This authoritative guide tackles hot button iss...